Pollen samples show that both forms of Cannabis, Hemp and Marijuana, evolved about 28 million years ago on the Eastern Plateau of Tibet.
Specific writings about Cannabis as food, oil, rope, clothing, and paper date to the third millennium BC.
Archaeological evidence of wide-spread Cannabis use goes much further back.
Outrageously in the 1920s, a conspiracy arose to outlaw, not just Marijuana, which contains psychoactive THC, but also ALL Hemp including food and oils containing CBDs, which do not get you high.
Reefer Madness was just a smokescreen for America’s Robber Barons to profit, replacing all hemp paper, oil, and cloth with wood-pulp, petroleum, and cotton.
Modern science reveals that CBDs derived from Hemp are essential for good health for virtually all animal life on the planet.
No one in the 1920s could have predicted the many interrelated harms of the “Cannabinoid Deficiency” we see across the globe today.
The discovery of “Cannabinoid Receptors” in our skin that reduce nerve inflammation explain why and how the ancients of Egypt, Europe, and Africa all relieved pain using topical salves and oral tinctures containing oil derived from Cannabis.
Today we celebrate that the enormous health and pain relief benefits of oils derived from Hemp are once again available.
Massage Dream is dedicated to providing you with the purest and highest-quality oils and salves with CBDs at specific concentrations that make sense for your massage practice.